Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Moments from Life Lately

Hello Sisters!

Last week was go, go, go, and I thought I'd share a few pics I snapped along the way. My mom came to visit and boy was I ever grateful. The walls of my house have been caving in on me so I took this opportunity to get out. We packed in all we could. I'm talking doctor visits, trips to the park, shopping, lunching, movie watching, baby tickling, dog parking. All of it. Basically, I'm recuperating from a really great week. 

^^^ This guy is 4 months old! Can you believe it? ^^^

^^^ After I picked up my mom from the airport, we made an emergency stop at Jelly and picked up some of their GLUTEN FREE DONUT HOLES because you have to. ^^^

^^^ We took Fonzie to the dog park where he swam his little heart out and went after all the sticks. I also got stung by a bee which hasn't happened to me since 1995 or something like that.  ^^^

^^^ Here's my mom and my baby all lovie and adorable. ^^^

^^^ This is what I do every other day. Thomas' cloth diapers sure look pretty in the sun. Something about drying clothes on the line feels so good and wholesome. Also, did you know the sun naturally bleaches your whites? Yeah, you don't need the bleach. ^^^

^^^ At True Food drinking some Kale-aid. Because green juice is the new orange juice. ^^^

^^^ Thomas totally made out at the Jefferson County Library book sale. This wasn't my loot, but all these were ONE DOLLAR EACH. Hello, book heaven. ^^^

^^^ We went to the pumpkin patch where all the pumpkins were rotting and starting to look like pumpkin pie. Sadface. ^^^

^^^ These were $10 each so, I took a picture and called it good. ^^^

^^^ A little tummy time with Fonzie where we sing songs and pretend that we like to play on our stomach. ^^^

^^^ Thomas is all, "look mom, I can read!"  ^^^

Sister Love,

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hello sisters!

I thought senior year was supposed to be easy? Well for me its been super busy lately. I feel like i have just been going and going and going and going and you get the point.

Anyways a few weeks ago was homecoming so i thought i would share some pictures! They are mainly pictures of my best friend Allie and I.  'cause stag swag.


I loved my hair. 
(Shout out to Brooke Wilson, it was all thanks to you!)

theres us again.

And last but not least, this lovely picture is us demonstrating the "i just smelled a fart" face. 

XOXO, Indigo

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Family Walks

Walking has become my exercise of choice these last few months. Thomas truly loves being outdoors. The kid could be in a fit of rage and you walk outside and BAM, it's all goo's, ga's and coo's.  Fonzie also prefers a good walk, just like any self-respecting dog. So it makes me love a good outdoor walk even more, ya feel me (I also love a good indoor walk...inside the mall, duh)? I think Thomas takes after his pops. I mean, I love being outside, but Matt, LOVES BEING OUTSIDE.

I do my best thinking while walking (I also do my best talking while walking if ever any of you ladies want to join). I feel like any sort of blockage that may be preventing my best thoughts from escaping is immediately torn down while walking (and boy did I have some major preggo brain blockage). It's got some major power, that walking.

Last Friday it snowed. Because CO is freaking awesome, Saturday decided to make the perfect weather for a hike. I called our brother, Cody, to see if he was not hung over up for a hike at Chatauqua park in Boulder. Him being a junior and BAMF at CU warrants a phone call warning that we're going to be in town. College kids- you neeeever know (am I right, Kira?).

Dang, it was a beautiful day.

Sister Love,

Friday, October 18, 2013

Positive thoughts and positive vibes.

Hello Sisters!

As you all know I have had a really rough couple of weeks. Stressed out from school, working two jobs, feeling extremely homesick, pushing away my friends and on top of that ending a relationship that I put my whole heart into.

But you should be happy to hear that everything is coming around. I dropped from one of my classes so I would have more time to focus on my other classes instead of struggling. I quit one job- so now i'm down to one (peace out crazy ethiopian lady). I  really love my new job working front desk at the hotel. It's perfect for me. I love the work environment and I have lots of down time to work on homework. "M" and I talked last night and we are going to try and make things work. I'm happier with him than I am without him. I believe in forgiveness and second chances. I'm sure Kianna can relate to this. I also started seeing a counselor to help me manage my stress and not have another panic attack like I did the other night.

Things are looking up for me thanks to my supportive friends and family. I honestly don't know what I would do without my lovely sisters. I know that you three will always have my best interest at heart and that  I can always rely on you. I'm so looking forward to Indigo coming to visit (THIRTEEN DAYS! :D)

I have realized these past few weeks that I  CAN'T do everything. I am NOT superwoman. I am just an average, hard working, caring, college student. I am just me. I still have a long way to go, friendships and relationships to mend, grades to get up, making time to do leisure things that I enjoy, and managing my time better so I don't get stressed out. But in the mean time I have a supportive team of friends and family, I'm young, healthy and it's a beautiful day.

Positive thoughts and positive vibes.
Love always, Kira

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Make Me Over

Since having a baby, getting "dolled up" hasn't been much of a priority. The first three months of motherhood hit me over the head like a brick... and I looked like it. Sleepless nights, aching body, showers every other day (who am I kidding, sometimes every three days), left me looking, well, less than my best and feeling like it too.

Kianna, being the sweet sister/ makeup guru she is, came to visit a couple weeks ago and she made an appointment for me at Sephora to get my face made over! I felt like I was on an Oprah show and I was the lucky winner in the audience! (Insert screams of sheer excitement and disbelief)

Before, feeling pretty darn yuck to the yuck.

I told the makeup artist that I'm down for a "day look" with one caveat- all the products have to be as natural as they sell. I'm trying my hardest to get rid of body and household products that contain the crazy chemicals. I'm also trying to minimize the amount of products I/we need, buy and use in the house. After doing some research on this site, I have made a life change/decision to being more "green" with my daily routine (especially since the mascara I was using was basically cancer in a bottle... I mean...).

I am so pleased with the results! Check me ouuut. (Please excuse the green Hooter Hider. I happened to be nursing Thomas when Kianna snapped the pic. #momstruggs)

Here's a product list of what was used:
Hourglass primer
Hourglass Tinted Moisturizer
Tarte Brozer
Josie Maran Color Stick
NAKED Basics by Urban Decay (they have vegan products!)
Tarte Waterproof Eyeliner
Korres Waterproof Mascara
Tarte Lipsurgance Natural Lip Luster

Thank you, sis, for visiting, loving on Thomas and pampering and helping me find my inner Hot Mama. ;)

Sister Love,

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oh Hello!

Welcome to our sister blog, where we write about all the things going on with us individually and together! The four of us are close as sisters could be, even though we are each in a different stage of life. This blog is our way of sharing our lives, what we're experiencing as well as a way for us to stay connected with each other. Thanks for stopping by and please check out each of our pages to get to know us better!

The Sisters