Monday, November 18, 2013

Homemade: Almond Butter

Hello Sisters!

Matt has become the cook in the house. This all started when I became pregnant with Thomas and the smell of food cooking made me nauseous and unable to be in the kitchen. It got so bad the very thought of food cooking did the same thing. This lasted the whole pregnancy and so while I was "cooking" us a baby, Matt honed his skills in the kitchen. His new favorite thing to make is almond butter. 

We've been buying almonds in the bulk section of the grocery store in addition to buying almond butter. He had a "duh" moment and decided to make it himself. It was super easy. Just takes patience.

^^^ Take 3 cups of almonds and roast them in the oven for 30 min at 170 degrees. Then place them in a food processor or a high powered blender. ^^^

^^^ Process that ish for a long ass time. When you think it's not working, it is. Just keep going. This may take 15-20 minutes. Finally, you'll see it start to ball up. The oils from the almonds will continue to release making the mixture more liquified. Keep going. ^^^

^^^ Then all of a sudden, it's gooey goodness will be ready for tasting.  You can add a teaspoon of sea salt if you like. Matt did, and it tastes delicious. Since we had a huge bag of almonds in the pantry, this cost us $0 and saved us the $8 it would have cost at the store. Victory. ^^^

Sister Love, 


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